TOIC Chapter 26

I hope mobile users can finally enjoy the banner now lol, and meet my new son! I gave him the wrong eye colour but I’ll blame it on the light.


A few hours later, Lu Zhengfei finally saw the results of his phone call. The person who was investigating Chen Xiaohui had emailed over her information to Lu Zhengfei. After scanning through the document, Lu Zhengfei chuckled: “Wow, Qianqing, your cousin’s really something.”

It was unknown what Chen Qianqing was messing about with on his phone, but he did not even raise his head to Lu Zhengfei’s remark: “Speak.”

Lu Zhengfei began to recite from the document.

Chen Xiaohui, seventeen years old this year, a high school student. One could say that a young student at such an age would not have much of a dark past to speak of, but it turns out that Chen Qianqing had really underestimated this cousin of his——During May this year, she visited the hospital for an abortion.

Lu Zhengfei spoke: “I haven’t received the data from last year, but this is definitely not the first time she’s had an abortion.”

Hearing this, Chen Qianqing chuffed. He had still been a little worried over Chen Xiaohui finding out about them earlier, but those worries have now flown out the window. He said: “Then we can just let Xiaohui tell on us.”

Lu Zhengfei was surprised: “Qianqing, are you going to come out of the closet with me?”

Chen Qianqing: “Overthinking is an illness.”

Lu Zhengfei: “…”

Chen Qianqing put his phone down and spat coldly: “If she wants to dig her own grave, then just let her bury herself.”

Chen Xiaohui thought that Lu Zhengfei and Chen Qianqing would actually compromise with her, but she never would have expected that even after the night has passed, they still made no attempts of looking for her. And on the next morning, their expressions even seemed like nothing had happened at all.

Even when Chen Xiaohui tried to probe, she still could not elicit any reactions from Lu Zhengfei and Chen Qianqing, as if what happened yesterday was just a hallucination for her.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xiaohui could guess that Lu Zhengfei and Chen Qianqing had no intentions of honoring their promises anymore. Even though she was only seventeen years old, she was not a fool; she knew that if Chen Qianqing really came out, it would bring many benefits to her and her family without any cons to speak of.

Even though Chen Qingyang cared dearly for Chen Qianqing, he would never easily be able to accept the fact that his son liked other men. He might end up being so angry that he would even disregard Liu Huamei’s objection, and sell the house to them. To say that Chen Xiaohui felt no envy towards her uncle’s family would definitely be wrong; things were chaotic when her parents separated, and even till now, she still felt inferior to everyone else for lacking a father.

After a good night’s sleep for both Lu Zhengfei and Chen Qianqing, the air felt wrong the next morning as soon as they stepped into the living room.

Both Liu Huamei and Chen Qingyang were sitting on the sofa, frowning, while Chen Xiaohui was being held in Chen Qingyu’s arms with red eyes——Clearly, the mother and daughter pair had been crying again.

They say that Liu Bei got to where he was through his tears, while Chen Qingyu and Chen Xiaohui this pair has been using their tears as weapons.

Chen Qingyang was first to speak: “Qianqing, come here.” When he looked at Chen Qianqing and Lu Zhengfei, traces of suspicion, anger, and even more of panic could be detected in his gaze.

Liu Huamei wanted to say something, but she still swallowed down those words in the end.

Chen Qingyang spoke: “What is going on between you and Xiao Lu?”

Chen Qianqing’s face as filled with confusion: “What are you talking about, dad?”

Chen Qingyang was silent for a moment as if he was unsure about how he was going to bring it up. After a long moment’s of hesitation, he said: “Xiaohui said she saw you in the room… with Xiao Lu…”

After seeing how Chen Qingyang hemmed and hawed, Liu Huamei was filled with anxiety. She shot out directly: “She saw the two of you kissing in your room! And even… that! Is that true?!”

Chen Qianqing revealed an expression of horror, and his eyes were filled with disbelief: “What did you say? Me and him?”

Both Lu Zhengfei and Chen Qingyang joined in on the act, both putting on a stunned expression.

At this time, Chen Xiaohui cut in quietly: “Cousin, I…I didn’t tell auntie on purpose, I just…”

Chen Qianqing said: “Dad, what did Chen Xiaohui say to make you think such a thing?!”

Liu Huamei was also overtaken by anger. She did not think that this was something Chen Xiaohui would have joked about, but she also could not believe that it was real: “She asked if you and Lu Zhengfei were together! She saw the two of you doing things when she opened the door!”

Chen Qianqing laughed: “Xiaohui, you can joke around, but not like this.”

Chen Xiaohui’s mother, Chen Qingyu, spoke up: “Qianqing, Xiaohui is still a child, she doesn’t know that certain things shouldn’t be said…” And a good tactic indeed this was, she made it out as if Chen Qianqing was trying to scare Chen Xiaohui in defence of himself.

Chen Qianqing said to her: “What do you mean, auntie? Xiaohui is already seventeen, how could she not know?”

Chen Qingyu was enraged: “What kind of person do you think my Xiaohui is? She hasn’t even held the hand of another boy! Isn’t it normal for her not to know about things like these?!”

These were the exact words Chen Qianqing had been waiting for. He went straight to the point: “Hasn’t even held the hand of another boy? Oh, then who was the one who went for the abortion this May at Beauty Hospital?”

Chen Qianqing’s words came out like an explosion, and Chen Xiaohui was so shocked that her eyes had turned round——How did Chen Qianqing know that she got an abortion?! And why were the details so accurate??

Chen Qingyu screamed: “Chen Qianqing, what on earth are you talking about!”

Chen Qianqing looked coldly at Chen Qingyu: “Auntie, what I said had more basis than what Chen Xiaohui claimed about me being gay, and if you want to know whether it’s true, just bring her to the hospital and check.”

Chen Xiaohui stuttered: “Mom, he’s lying, don’t listen to him! He’s just trying to discredit me because I found out about him and Lu Zhengfei!”

Chen Qianqing spoke in a tender voice: “Xiaohui, I wouldn’t mind if it was me that you’re making up stories about just because I said I’d tell your mother about this yesterday, but Lu Zhengfei is my friend, it’s not good of you to do this.”

Indeed, there were no other witnesses or evidence to what Chen Xiaohui said about Lu Zhengfei being gay, but what Chen Qianqing brought up about Chen Xiaohui getting an abortion could easily be confirmed by taking a trip to the hospital.

Chen Qingyu’s face was green with anger. She knew that her daughter had great guts, but she never would have thought that she was brave enough to hide the fact that she had gotten an abortion from her! And how could she not be clear about how terrible an effect such a thing could have on one’s body? Chen Xiaohui was only seventeen! How could she ruin herself like this!

A wise woman would always remember to cherish their own bodies. After seeing the look on Chen Xiaohui’s face, Chen Qingyu could just about confirm that Chen Qianqing had not been lying. She glared at Chen Xiaohui with a feeling of disappointment, but she still endured her rage and kept her voice down: “Qianqing, please don’t spread this out, Xiaohui is a girl after all, but she still isn’t one to just run her mouth…If we’re talking about homosexuality, we’ve also seen much of it from where we stay.”

Lu Zhengfei laughed: “Auntie Liu, I didn’t expect to cause you so much trouble by coming here, I’m very sorry, I’ve already booked the tickets so I’ll be leaving tomorrow.”

Chen Qianqing said: “That’s why I told you not to drag Lu Zhengfei over, mom. Look, what’s there to do here? And now even his sexuality has changed, if he comes over again someone might even point him out to be an alien!”

Only when she heard what Chen Qianqing said did Liu Huamei suddenly remember that she was the one who insisted to Chen Qianqing to bring Lu Zhengfei over. In an instant, she started to feel embarrassed: “Please don’t be mad, Xiao Lu, that’s not what I mean, I was just anxious. Ah, really…Chen, say something!”

But Chen Qingyang was too ashamed to say anything. He asked Chen Qingyu to bring her family over for National Day so they could talk about the house, but he never would have expected so many things to pop up now, and even involved their guest, Lu Zhengfei.

But under Liu Huamei’s glare, he could only muster up: “I hope you can look past this, Xiao Lu, we were just too impulsive, we apologize.”

Chen Qianqing added coolly: “Mom, do you really think Lu Zhengfei has no temper? Since he bought the tickets, it wouldn’t be good to cancel them, I’ll see him off at the airport tomorrow.”

Lu Zhengfei tried to hint to Chen Qianqing with his eyes——This isn’t what was written on the script, wasn’t the airport ticket just fiction?

Chen Qianqing shot Lu Zhengfei a sweet smile. If I say it’s real, then it’s real, understand?

Lu Zhengfei put on an expression as if he had been wronged.

Liu Huamei sighed when she saw that: “Xiao Lu, please don’t be angry at me, I really didn’t do it on purpose. How about this, you cancel the tickets, and auntie will buy both you and Qianqing the tickets later, how about it?”

Chen Qianqing: “…” Mom, which is your real son, Lu Zhengfei or me?

Lu Zhengfei declined on purpose: “Auntie…I can’t ask that from you.”

Liu Huamei insisted: “Xiao Lu, if you’re really not angry at me, then stay. Really, you’ve helped us out so much when Qianqing broke his leg!”

Lu Zhengfei chuckled bashfully.

When Chen Xiaohui who had been forgotten at the side saw what had just went on, her entire body was shaking. She opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, but when Chen Qingyu glared at her with her dagger-like gaze, she could only shut her mouth.

Chen Qingyu spoke in a tender voice: “Brother, I’m so sorry about what Xiaohui did. Sigh, It’s always been hard to watch over her with her dad now gone, the school’s a mess and I don’t have the ability to stay with her…” Saying this, she reached up to wipe her tears with her hand.

Amazing. After talking back and forth, she still managed to pull the topic back to the house. But this time, Liu Huamei did not intend to stand back any longer. She snapped directly at her: “So by your logic, if Xiaohui goes to the capital in the future to study, you’d also accompany her there so she can study? And you want to buy a house there as well?!”

Chen Qingyu was stunned. She never thought that Liu Huamei would tear up her plot so directly. She wanted to add on, but she was cut off by Chen Qingyang. Chen Qingyang looked at his own sister, and spoke with much complication in his heart: “Qingyu, can you let me think over it?”

A flash of unwillingness to admit defeat could be seen in Chen Qingyu’s eyes, but she still nodded her head.

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14 thoughts on “TOIC Chapter 26

  1. Merciless. Fantastic. So great these two.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️♥️♥️♥️😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

    Liked by 2 people

  2. The relationship between the two is getting better and harmonious.Am hoping for more romantic chapters🥰🥰
    Thanks for the translate.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Btw, I also want to inform you that Bambam Blue has decided to not translate this story because of a personal issue.
    We have an agreement and I’ll be taking over for translating this into our language, Indonesian.
    But I would only start posting at the end of the year because I need to finish other translations as well.
    I hope you don’t mind.

    Liked by 1 person

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